Today, Haystax was updated to version 3.21. This update included two larger enhancements and multiple bug fixes.
Previously, when users submitted an assessment, it was either permanently submitted or routed to a user who had the role of “assessment approver” in the system, where it could be subsequently approved (permanently closed) or disapproved (reopened and sent back to the user). If a user submitted an assessment that they wanted to reopen due to an error or another need to change something, they were unable to do so. With Haystax version 3.21, users can now unsubmit an assessment. This button will be visible on an assessment by users who have been assigned that assessment or, if no user has been assigned that assessment, to all users with the ability to edit the assessment.
The second change was the addition of another configuration setting for ESRI Map Services layers, allowing Haystax to support more map layers.
Version 3.21 also included the following bug fixes.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed –
Issue with rendering assessment subsections when the
same subsection name is used in multiple sections
- Fixed – Users with special characters in their username value unable to see “assigned to me” items
- Fixed – Users without assessment disapprove or admin permissions are able to reject assessments
- Fixed – Unable to use API tokens with Map Server layers
Please reach out to your Secure Passage representative with any questions!